Monday 13 October 2008

Casting Calls for NYFA Thesis films and 1st Semester final films

Hi Everyone,

NYFA filmmakers are shooting their final 1st semester and thesis films in the next 10 days and beyond. If you would like some film/digital work on your showreel, please feel welcome to check out casting calls within this group posted by Directors. Otherwise, post your details on the wall, if you are interested in being cast in one of their films or any film opportunity, which may come along.

Whilst I cannot personally condone actors/directors who post notices within this group, I am happy to forward Major Casting Calls for the benefit of information to all members. I strongly recommend that both Directors and Actors provide as much detailed information to each other as possible, to ensure all goes smoothly and what is being offered is clear and happily agreed upon, leading to a successful collaboration.

Also, I have an ever growing database of actors, which I reference for shoots I am working on or directing and welcome actors to continue to email me with their most recent head shots, 1pg resumes and contact details if they wish to.


Best of Luck!